Divine Healing Center

Upcoming Trance Medium Healing Clinics

About our Trance Medium Healing Clinics

Our bodies can become ill with “dis-ease” from foreign energy that is inhabiting it. If a foreign energy inhabits a body long enough it can disrupt our own energy flow and may manifest into an illness or disease.

In our Trance Medium Healing Clinics, our Trance Medium Healers channel spirits to work with you to move energy and facilitate healing.

TM Healings are ~5 minutes long and are currently offered online, and the contribution is $35.

TM Clinics are held monthly on 1st and 3rd Fridays at 7pm Pacific.

Please note that healings are done in the order in which healees arrive, not by appointment times. Please arrive at the beginning of the clinic to ground your spot.

Click the button below to book a healing:

Trance Medium Healing Clinics are held monthly on 1st & 3rd Friday Evenings


Long Distance Healings & Healing Packages

We also offer Long Distance Trance Medium Healings and Trance Medium Healing Packages

Long Distance Trance Medium Healings are recorded and emailed to you. Use the button below to submit your healing request:
