Hello Spiritual seekers.
What happens when you address this issue of LOVE? Are you confused?
There are many psychics and very capable spiritual people preaching love, love, love.
What I was taught at the Berkeley psychic Institute over the course of my first more than 20 years of training by Lewis Bostwick is that there are only three aspects of love we need to be concerned about:
NEXT: REALITY. I can touch you. I can hug you. I can shake hands with you. Reality is whatever makes us real together.
NEXT: COMMUNICATION. “Hello” spirit to spirit. I say hello to you as a direct communication from me to you. Communication is love. Lack of communication is isolation, abandonment, lack. Lack is the opposite of LOVE.
These three aspects of LOVE represent unconditional, neutral acceptance of who you are and who you are becoming without judgement, conditions or “fix it” energy. You have Free Will to develop into whatever you are becoming next. You are as you are and that is acceptable. This is my definition of LOVE.
These three things = LOVE. He said this. I believe this as true for me. Affinity is the ability and action of liking, loving, having affinity for oneself. This is the #1 aspect of the AFFINITY vibration Lewis Bostwick teaches. The other aspect of the AFFINITY vibration he taught was the recognition—recognition—of the sameness we have as human beings in human bodies. I recognize your humanity. This means that I have the same physical type of mammal body as you. AND we also have one spirit engaging in one body….(a debatable concept we will talk about at a later time!!) we can also have AFFINITY for all living things. WE ARE ALIVE. And its great being alive!!
LOVE that streams from the heart chakra and the physical heart speaks to an organ and the blood and arteries and veins coming from it. Love coming from the second chakra speaks to the emotions emanating from it as sympathy. Both can have consequences of being or giving control energy. That is not my definition of LOVE.
Blessings to you all,