Rt. Rev. Renneau Daly-Brewster

Renneau Daly-Brewster has dreamed of being a psychic and Trance Medium healer since she was a child. When she was 12 years old she visited a spiritualist community with her grandmother and was told she had the Trance Medium gift. As a young child she had imaginary playmates and could see things she was told “were not there”.

She came to the Berkeley Psychic Institute in 1980 and completed beginning meditation and healing classes. She graduated from the 2 year Clairvoyant Training program in 1984 as a licensed minister. She completed Ministers In Training, Missionary Teachers, and the Oracle Trance Medium Programs. Renneau is on the staff of the Church of Divine Man. She has been a healer all her life and has learned psychic tools to heal herself and others.

Her specialty is Trance Medium Reading-Healings. She works with higher healing entities to give healings and communication to others so they can begin their own healing process.

Renneau recently retired from the State of California after 30 years as a Certified Recreation Therapist working with individuals with severe developmental and medical disabilities. She enjoys playing the piano and uses music in her life’s work. She enjoys traveling and has been on spiritual pilgrimages to Egypt, Greece, Turkey, France, England, Italy, Spain, Portugal, China, Tibet, Thailand, the Caribbean and Hawaii.

Renneau lives in the beautiful hills of Sonoma with her husband Bill. You can contact Renneau at Divine Healing Center, (707) 542-6680.
