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Trance Medium Healing Church Service

Join us for Church!

Our Trance Medium Healing Church Services are held on 2nd Fridays online on Zoom. 

Join us at 7:00pm Pacific Time to receive a Trance Medium Healing from our channelers in the Oracle Trance Medium Program of the Divine Healing Center.

After your healing, join us for a gathering in the main “sanctuary” room of  Zoom to hear a sermon/message from our Pastor, Rev. Ross Alexander.

What you will experience at a Trance Medium Healing Church Service:

  1. Opening meditation

  2. Assignment to a Healing “Break-out Room” on ZOOM

  3. Trance Medium in your room channeling a healing saint, archangel or known healer-entity

  4. A “Control” who manages the energy in the room and speaks about your healing and speaks to the “Being” that is channeled about your healing space

  5. A Scribe, time-keeper who keeps the protocols happening

  6. A spiritual “Next Step” from the entity being channeled.

  7. A gathering in the main “sanctuary” room of  Zoom to hear a sermon/message from Pastor Rev. Ross Alexander 

  8. Announcements

  9. The “Hokey Pokey” dance by all church goers to release all seniority given to the Entities and experience a “GOLD SUN” vibration of the God of your own heart..

  10. A benediction prayer

  11. A Free Will Collection plate– also know as the “Donate button

May 7

Animal Healing Clinic

May 11

Trance Medium Workshop